Lifestyle & Fashion

The lifestyle and fashion industry
Every industry has its own way of visual communication and presentation.
What is considered appropriate in one industry may be seen as a taboo in another. Having more than 20 years of experience, we are fully aware of what these are in the lifestyle and fashion sector and our customers appreciate that.
broad sector
The lifestyle and fashion sector is all about styling, quality, colour, atmosphere and materials.
Collectively, these must have the effect of producing a positive response from your target group. It is our task to produce a stand that meets all your expectations in a surprising and tasteful way and which fits in seamlessly with your corporate style and target group. That goes without saying, as you want your stand to be the dazzling focal point of every event, enabling you to proudly build on your current network and develop new leads.

completely in-house
We are able to realise a whole variety of stands for the lifestyle and fashion industry by utilising a whole variety of techniques.
We then assemble the stand at the event or trade fair and disassemble it for you again afterwards. All of the work is carried out in-house and we make sure we honour all of our promises and meet all of our deadlines.